Libro Brewing with Wheat1

Libro Brewing with Wheat

$ 29.500

From the Foreword
"Tracking those old beers-German, Belgian, whatever—makes one realize that the key to the old styles, probably even more than the recipes themselves, was to be found in the local microflora of each brewery. (Jean-Baptiste) Vrancken reports eighteenth and nineteenth century trials, in which brewmasters were sent from a brewery to another similar one, with all their equipment, raw material, and techniques. Sometimes the grains were even crushed in the first brewery to mimic the process perfectly. They never succeeded in making the same beer in the next village!"
- Yvan De Baets, brewer, Brasserie de la Senne
"In Brewing with Wheat Stan Hieronymus has given homebrewers, craft brewers, and beer enthusiasts alike a wheat-fueled flux-capacitor that will transport them from region to region around the world. This page-by-page journey will satisfy the reader's thirst for the knowledge, history, and science needed for producing and enjoying the wide spectrum of wheat beers.
- Sam Calagione, founder, Dogfish Head Craft Brewery
"Stan Hieronymus has filled a giant, gaping hole in the beer literature with this book. And once again, he has done it with crisp, engaging prose, loaded with rock solid information, much of it directly from those who brew these delicious but technically challenging beers every day."
- Randy Mosher, author of Radical Brewing and Tasting Beer

Autor: Stan Hieronymus

N° páginas: 216

Idioma: Inglés

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